Friday, August 17, 2012


There's no turning back now. The entire house is packed. Some items, 1,000lbs worth, is off to Israel while the rest goes to storage. I can't complain with packing the house since Jason's work company has hired to do all the packing and hauling. And can't help but enjoy the red carpet treatment. 
We have packed 6 suitcases. These will go with us in our flights and are the only possession we'll live with for a few weeks. That's an adventure on its own. 
This move is ...  bittersweet. We will certainly miss family and friends but also looking forward to new adventures and challenges in Israel. Yes I did say challenges because I know there will be. It will be naive to say there won't be. But with a positive attitude and eagerness to learn, these challenges will help me and my family grow. Let's go. =)
 “There are no negatives in life, only challenges to overcome that will make you stronger.” 

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